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MGUH Nursing Calendar

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Nurse Residency Program Evidence based Practice Poster Awards

A Work of Heart: Early palliative care for patients with heart failure

Rebecca (Reba) W, MSN, RN, 2 North S, BSN, RN, S5-2

Go on the Go! Early Ambulation and Successful Void Trials for Post-operative Spinal Surgery Patients

Elijah (Eli) B, MSN, RN, S3-4; Marne M, BSN, RN, S3-4; and Carter M, BSN, RN, S3-4

ICU Falls: Assessing Risk Effectively

S3-4 Daniela I, BSN, RN, S3-4

Nina P, BSN, RN, S3-4

Reiley P, BSN, RN, S3-4